2nd Meeting of the Council of the Scientific Network for Geospatial Analysis

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Źródło: geoportal.gov.pl

On May 27, 2021, the second meeting of the Scientific Council of the Geospatial Analysis Scientific Network was held.

Due to the pandemic, the meeting of the Network Council was held remotely on the MS Teams platform. In addition to Council members, the meeting was attended by organizational and technical coordinators – a total of nearly 40 scientists from more than 20 scientific centers.

In the first part of the meeting, M.Sc. Milosz Gnat from Warsaw University of Technology gave a technical presentation entitled. “Availability and structure of data resources in the CENAGIS infrastructure”. The infrastructure primarily includes a variety of open data available from the National Spatial Information Infrastructure, satellite data from the ESA repository, community data and users’ own data. The data are available not only in source forms, but primarily in processed forms optimized for geospatial analysis. As part of the next stages of infrastructure development, data with limited access licenses from commercial companies and institutions will also be acquired.

A characteristic feature of the CENAGIS repository is access to data in a variety of structures, forms and formats. The environment is designed primarily for research experiments, testing and comparing data models and structures, and various database management systems. Therefore, data is available both in the form of relational databases, files (including a distributed HDFS system) and NoSQL databases.

This was followed by a discussion of datasets needed in geospatial analysis.

In the second part of the meeting, the idea of making a study by members of the Network under the title “The achievements, potential and prospects of Polish geoinformation research” was discussed.