Mars rover tests at CENAGIS

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The Center for Geospatial Analysis and Satellite Computing of the Warsaw University of Technology in Jozefoslaw (CENAGIS PW) hosted another round of Mars rover tests on September 11-12. The interdisciplinary research team, composed of employees of leading Polish universities involved in Martian affairs, continues to develop technologies for acquiring and processing topographic data analogous to the forms found on Mars.
The data is acquired by an autonomous swarm of five rovers equipped with heterogeneous sensors such as a six-degree-of-freedom arm, lidar, imaging cameras in the visible and near-infrared bands, and GPR. The rover’s swarm is supported by a drone capable of defining a local coordinate system and preliminary low-altitude terrain imaging.
The editors of PAP, ESKA radio and the English-language editorial staff of Polish Radio have visited the scientific team working at the CENAGIS center.
In mid-October, the Warsaw University of Technology scientists will present the results of their work in Houston.
The team from Warsaw University of Technology consists of specialists from:

  • Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography: Robert Olszewski, Ph.D., professor of the university, Agnieszka Wendland, Ph.D., and Paweł Czernic,
  • Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology: Piotr Pałka, PhD, Maksym Figat, Julia Stypułkowska, PhD, Karol Orzechowski, PhD.

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